
Do you know what this is?
Binkie is a jump, a jump we give when we are very pleased, I saw a human film that you also tend to give a kind of Binkies, jump and stamp your feet together, well, we are a bit different, we jumped and we shake our whole body, from side to side, sometimes the enthusiasm is so big that we land completely turned in the opposite direction to the one we raised!
We also give little Binkies , it does not mean that we are less happy, it is often because we are just too lazy to make a bigger one, or also because there is no space. Ah! Of course, senior rabbits give smaller and more discreet Binkies, after all age is already heavy and those and paws no longer have the vigor of youth.
It is important to know how to distinguish the Binkies from the jump that we also give when we are unhappy, angry or feel threatened (see up there where it says "Jumps", these heels are not Binkies and we are not at all happy!
Attention humans, you can try to give Binkies like ours, however I do not advise it much, I have already received some emails from rabbit friends saying that their humans ended up in bed with a terrible back pain or others that ended up falling in the floor. .. if you want to try just jump a little bit and wave your arms , that's it, we don't want you to be hurt!