One of those questions that I see a lot of humans asking and that I also see a lot of humans answering the wrong way.
-The Bunny Girls have heat? - No. The Bunnies are a very special animal, because when they reach their sexual maturity, they are ready to have babies at any time. While in women and other animals like dogs, there is a period of preparation of the egg, the uterus to receive that egg and everything else in which they get the most active hormones and release pheromones that attract males to make babies, that when it doesn’t happen and isn’t fertilized the egg ends up leaving and menstruation occurs, in bunnies none of that happens.
In bunnies the eggs are all ready to be fertilized, we do not have our own or certain period every month or with a certain date for this transformation to take place, when a bunny feels she finds the ideal male to make babies, she triggers a reaction herself chemistry that attracts males to make babies, yes you read well, as in all of nature (except in humans as I’ve already realized), it is the females who decide with whom they want to have babies, we choose, who we want for our parents babies, so when the Bunny feels that he is the ideal Bunny she lets him get closer, then during the act and with all the excitement the Bunny's reproductive system kicks in and the eggs are released to be fertilized.
-When do the Bunnies enter the Heat? - Bunnies do not have heat, from the moment they reach their sexual maturity, which in males is usually around 3 months, they are already ready to make babies and will always be ready even more if they are stimulated to do so .
-My Bunny is always mounting everything because of Heat? - The Bunnies don't have heat. Rabbits use this behavior to make babies and to show dominance, this behavior is seen both in males and females, both among rabbits of opposite sexes, and in rabbits of the same sex, what this behavior means is that whoever is left the top is saying that he or she is the boss there, even when they do it in your arms, feet or legs, what the bunny is saying is that he is the boss of you.
- When do Bunnies have heat? - Again, the Bunnies do not have heat. From the moment that both the male and the female reach their sexual maturity, they are ready to have babies at any time. In the wild because of scarcity of food and climatic rigor, Bunnies are less predisposed to making babies in autumn and winter, and are more receptive in spring and summer, as domestic bunnies do not have these problems, they are always ready to do babies.