E.cuniculi is a fungus that causes Ecephalitozoonosis, but as normally only E.cuniculi is mentioned, let's use this term. It is a fungus that lives inside the bunny cells and yes, it can also infect other animals and even humans (humans that have a compromised immune system). Most bunnies are infected with this fungus, although only a few show symptoms, in fact a bunny can live its whole life with this fungus and never have symptoms. It´s contagious, and passes from bunny to bunny through urine, feces and infected places that have not been disinfected or even water or food that are infected, also pass from mommies to litters, so if mommy is infected, all her bunnies will be infected.

One of the main triggers of this disease happens when the rabbit has a compromised immune system, it may be due to food shortages, stress, some illness, etc.
And despite the fact that the most known symptom is head tilt, it can manifest itself in 3 ways, the least known is Renal which creates a inflammation in the kidneys, which ends up creating a progressive loss of function due to the disorganization of the filtering apparatus because it´s inflamed, ending up atrophying the small vessels that exist in the kidneys, all of this will make the bunny feel unwilling to eat eating and thus weight loss, lethargy and dehydration, they can also get incontinence urinary. Another slightly better known form is the ocular one, bunnies with e.cuniculi can create clouds in the eyes, which turn out to be cataracts or uveitis (inflammation of the eye that can lead to blindness). Finally, the best known is the neurological one that can lead to involuntary eye movements, that is, the eyes make repetitive and uncontrolled movements (nystagmus), loss of motor coordination, the bunny can no longer be able to stand up, start walking only to one side (ataxia), tremors, paralysis of the hind legs and the head tilt

In this case there is no great way to avoid it, a blood test is ideal as soon as it comes to live with you, then from there if it is not infected, be careful not to be in contact with other infected bunnies, or if it is infected be careful not to be subject to great stress, to have a balanced diet so that the system does not suffer oscillations.
In cases of symptoms it is extremely important go to the vet right away, the medication that he will indicate to you must be taken strictly and the sooner the better to prevent this fungus from advancing further.
There are veterinarians who are in favor of taking medication every 6 months, others only once when the diagnosis is known and another in case of symptoms, both are right, they are just different ways of fighting this fungus.