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I have received a lot of requests for help in relation to Hay, it is very important to see if your bunnies have no problems in their teeth , as that alone is enough to not eat hay and this has nothing to do with gnawing, the teeth we use to chew are not the same as we use to eat hay. Always check whether or not there are problems with your teeth, ask the vet to see how your teeth are doing and then if there are no health problems, we just don't eat hay because there are better things to eat.

If your bunnies have or usually have problems with their teeth, then it is normal that they do not like to eat a lot of hay, especially Timóteo, and in this case you need to understand what is the best way to help the bunny, it may be with the 2nd cut of the Timóteo instead of the 1st or even the 3rd, but in Portugal it is not very common to find this cut. Here they can also try to vary with the complementary hays, but in this case it is to experiment until they like one and then make the hay feel comfortable.

You already know what the rule is for having a good hay (if you don't know or don't remember, see here ), then you need to see if the bunnies aren't eating too much food or vegetables.

I’ve seen a lot of humans putting hay racks very high , making it like water bottles (which are not for us), forcing us to have to raise our heads to eat, putting the hay rack up to our height help us to eat more and more quickly, that's why I’ve seen many humans

  surprised when they put the bag of hay on the ground and say that we eat a lot, because we eat, because it is as if we are in nature eating, directly from the ground , in an anatomically correct way.

Sometimes it is necessary to add some extras to the hay, these extras should not be vegetables, if you want to add extra flavor to the hay use very tasty and fragrant herbs , such as rosemary, chamomile , coriander, fenugreek, dandelion, etc. put the hay in a bag and add a good dose of herbs, don't be stingy , put a lot, close the bag,

mix everything and leave the hay like this closed for a few days to gain flavor and smell, mix it so that all the hay mixes with the herbs. When everything is well mixed and the hay has a new smell, put a little bit in the hay rack or in a bowl and let the bunny eat, as he eats more and more, they add more hay to the bag, but only hay, not herbs, until it’s just hay and not herbs, they’ll start devouring hay now with its true flavor.

I’ve also seen humans crushing or spraying hay with apple or carrot juice, I don’t usually advise, nor do I really like to do it, if we all know that fruit and vegetables have a lot of sugar and are harmful to excess bunnies, go sprinkling the hay with it, it doesn't seem very logical, first the hay is moist and if it is not eaten right away it can gain fungi and bacteria, then because we are adding sugar to what is the main source of food in our diet , but if they are even afflicted and want to try this technique you can try it but be very careful .

Not all bunnies like to eat from the hay rack, in fact there are many options to give hay to the bunnies, from bowls, put them on the floor, boxes with openings where they stick their heads and eat and much more, just do a search on the internet to see many examples that there is, a funny fact that I noticed is that of

country to country, haystacks are so different and in certain places they are so concerned with keeping things as similar to nature as it is really beautiful.

I recently had the case of a bunny who did not eat the hay that was put back in his hay rack, the human asked me for help, because whenever he had to put more hay the bunny was irritated , sent all the hay through the air and didn’t eat, here the trick that is also valid for bunnies that decide not to eat the hay they have, is to change the hay every day, they know that we have to eat at least the size of our hay, so change the hay all the days, either in the morning or at the end of the day, whether we have eaten everything or not, mix the old hay with the new hay and put it back in the hay rack. the mixture will give the old hay more aroma and make the bunnies eat.

A more radical method is what I have seen to call the hay diet, and that is to leave the bunny alone with Timothy hay and water for 24 hours , but for this to work it is necessary

do not give anything else, the bunny will end up eating, because he is hungry.

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If you want you can see here fun ways to get us excited about eating more hay.

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