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Loud Noises


Noisy parties, rockets, cries, thunderstorms, all loud sounds are very bad for the bunnies.

As you know we are trapped and one of the things we developed over time was hearing , our little ears pick up sounds from a distance and as they are big they increase the sound a lot, so the sounds that for you humans can be normal, for we are very tall.

At these times it is best to leave us alone in our corner, having an extra hole or a place where we can hide is a good idea, if there are rockets , such as dogs or cats, we are also very afraid to listen, if you can get us to stay in a room with no windows or with the windows closed it's a good idea, you can play ambient music with sounds of nature or water to relax, then always leave plenty of fresh hay , you can give an extra dose of feed to stay with full tummy and calmer, another option is if you already know when the party or event is going to give you a mix of calming herbs , these herbs will help the bunnies to be more relaxed and not have so much stress (see here the herbs and what are worth for).

If you see that your bunny is very stressed, take him in your lap or sit next to him and try to calm down , giving some good treats and parties.

Pay attention to poops to see if they continue to make round balls or if there is any change in shape and if that happens it is important to pay attention to the bunnies not to get sick, if necessary call the vet and ask for help .

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