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What now?

Did you know that we make sounds? Certainly not many, we don't bark like dogs or sing like birds, but we do make some sounds.

We can do it with paws, teeth and in extreme cases we scream , but hopefully you humans will never have to hear a rabbit scream ... it is very bad.

I’m going to do a short summary by topic of the sounds we make and what they mean, I don’t know if it’s going to be easy, because for those who don’t know, once again there are sounds that are different , but that at first sight will look the same and maybe you will be distressed, in this case you have to be calm and try to understand by body language what that sound means.


Teeth Grinding - Let's start with a treacherous one of the sounds we make is grinding our teeth, we do it when we are happy, if you are petting us, for example, if it is quiet you will be able to hear our teeth, it is a sound very softly, sometimes you can see better than you can hear.

However, we also do it when we are in pain and uncomfortable (what now?), Because it is, only when we are in pain the sound is a little louder, you can really feel the teeth scraping each other, usually this sound comes with body language already indicating that something is not right. So pay close attention and if necessary, run to the Veterinarian!


Grunt or snarl - Yes, we grunt ... and yes we snarl too, never noticed?

Try putting your hand in our things or touching our food! That's what we do when we are upset and we don't like what you are doing, usually along with this comes an onslaught that may or may not end up in a brave bite.

You can also hear when you try to pick us up, as we do not like to have our feet off the ground, we often make this sound so that you realize we are not in the mood for lap.

So if you hear something like that, you already know, we are not enjoying it!

Purring - No, it is not like cats, but it is similar, you can notice this sound when, for example, we are coming to you or something, when we are enjoying the petting we are receiving, it is a low sound, just like almost that a vibration.


Snoring - This sound is difficult to describe, because normally it is the pregnant bunnies who do it, it´s a strange snoring, especially when you try to touch them, it is a mixture of "I'm going to bite you" with "help me, get me out of here" , like all other sounds, it is not loud, but it is louder than the ones we've talked about so far.


Oinc-Oinc- Well, if the previous sound was difficult to describe this one is difficult to define ... We don't look like pigs or anything like that, in fact it is a mixture of snoring and purring and more. We usually do it when we're excited and we want to court a female or a male, when we're "only children" we usually do it to humans.

It is a medium sound, that, it´s done in part so that the partner can hear and understand that a Don Juan who wants to start a family is approaching.


Hitting with Paw - This sound is easy, right? We hit the back paw very hard on the ground, normally nobody ever sees, but everyone hear. Here is more information about this behavior.


Sneezing - Yes humans, we also sneeze, just like you the only difference is that as we are smaller and cuddly, our sneezes are also smaller and cuddly!

It is important to understand why we sneeze, it may be because the hay be very small, or has a lot of dust or even bugs, and if we are more sensitive we can also sneeze if the litter in our toilet has dust, but if there are many sneezes and secretions in the mix, then Dear humans, it's time to go visit Mr. Vet!


Scream - I left the worst for last. if you ever hear a rabbit scream, then my friends, this is something very serious!

A rabbit screams when it is completely terrified or completely in pain, so if they are moving around and start screaming, stop immediately, if it is sick and screaming it´s because something has happened and the pain is agonizing.

Although it is not very common, there may also be rabbits that scream before they die, a kind of last breath.

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