A pee is always a pee, but in our case a pee can be a lot of things.
Just like our body language, the colour of our pee says a lot about our health.
I see many humans worried about our pee, often because they think we have blood in our pee and are dying.
I'll tell you a trick, if you have any doubts, take a little bit of hydrogen peroxide and put it over the pee, if it boils it's because there's blood in it, in that case you need a vet, if nothing happens, everything is fine.
Besides, our pee also oxidizes when in contact with the air, so even if it is beautiful yellow, after a while in contact with the air it turns red, in other words, it oxidizes.
I will leave you here the colours and the meaning of our pee so you can see and compare it with your bunny's.
Don't forget that if something is wrong you have to go to the vet.

The colors of our pee
Click on the colors to see the meaning
How about that?
Did you know that our pee can be a real rainbow?
Like everything about us, it can also tell how we are through our pee.
It is very important to pay attention to the trigger points of our pee, that is, pee with blood is a case to go to the vet with maximum urgency, white or milky pee for a long time and that remains even after changing the diet is to go to the vet, pee with white sludge is because the kidneys are already compromised and should quickly go to the vet.
But we also have foods like Roses, Carrot, Beetroot and others that change the colour of our pee scaring some humans, so remember, whenever you give us any of these things it is normal for our pee to be different.
Changing the diet and helping with herbs is a good bet to improve (see here on herbs and how it help in these cases or if you want send me a message or email that I help), however never invalidates a trip to the vet, no matter how much they tell you or you read, if your bunny is like that for more than 3 days or if he is becoming more quiet or with any change in behaviour, go urgently to the vet.
Summing up:
The bunny should always have at his disposal fresh, clean water in a bowl, he should have a careful and balanced diet so that there is no deficit of any nutrient, nor an underload of others.
It must get plenty of exercise and be able to walk freely.
His space must be clean and cared for so that there is no room for infection.
Urine oxidizes in contact with air so when you see it is not her original colour, if you have doubts be aware and see it as soon as it´s done.
Have routine consultations with the vet to run tests and exams for other health problems that may interact and change the urine.
Save the image to share with other humans or consult when you need it